Todd Schick - Author

So wierd. I can actually say that I’m an author. It was not something I had planned to do – ever. But, as the years went by and the pages on my website built up, it seemed like a natural progression.

The idea of writing this “type” of book came to me mid-December 2014  when someone sent me a note after visiting my website.

He had mentioned that reading along while listening to the content on my website was a great learning tool. He then went on to ask if I had ever considered writing a book.

Funny thing was, I initially had reservations; I didn’t want to align myself with voice coaches, coupled with the thinking that my competitors could profit from such a publication.

In the end, it took about seven years following that intital idea that my first publication would come to fruition. Through the course of writing/producing the first book, I came to the realization that I would have to write a series of books if I were to wholly divulge all the relevant information on the subject.

Now – along with making funny voices in the small, padded room….I’m beginning to rant like a tortured writer, chained to the committment of writing a series of books.

Oh, the madness…. 

So, that’s my story about becoming an author. I won’t bore you with my resume. Let’s just say I’m pretty good at voiceover, I enjoy helping others learn the craft and get into the business….

I’m an author!


“Muffy…..what do you think about this sweater for the book signing at The Plaza? It’s a number one seller and the New York Times will be there. I really want to look my best, darling…”

Kind regards,

Todd Schick